
Terminal City Roller Derby

Terminal City Roller Derby is Vancouver’s first women’s flat track roller derby league, established as Terminal City Rollergirls in 2006. The league that began with a meeting over nachos all those years ago continues to grow and evolve today, so many years later.

TCRD is a member of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). Our mission is:

  • To bring exhilarating live sporting events featuring strong female-identifying and gender expansive athletes to local area;
  • To train skaters for local, national, and international competition;
  • To work together to make our communities better, more inclusive spaces for all.
  • To make roller derby financially accessible for everyone

The league is 100% member-owned and operated, and each of our members contributes to the productivity of this non-profit organization. 

In addition to players, our league also includes an outstanding crew of skating and non-skating officials, an indispensable group of support volunteers, and the best fans in the world.

Check out the season schedule!

Want to try it out? Join us now!

Terminal City is a team of committed skaters who train and compete throughout the season, taking on teams from other leagues locally as well as around B.C.— and occasionally south of the border. 

In their inaugural season, Terminal City’s players chose a tugboat as their mascot. These hard-working, powerful, and dependable boats keep things moving!

TCRD 2024

Roller derby can’t happen without officials, and we’re lucky to have several skating and non-skating officials among our numbers—the Authority Figures.

Referees call us on penalties and keep us safe during game play, while non-skating officials (NSOs) keep tabs on the stats of the game, including everything from points to penalties.


Terminal City Roller Derby refs

Photo by Spencer Jensen

Interested in becoming an official?
E-mail officials@tcrd.ca